A young man walking along the beach at dawn noticed an old man picking up starfish and tossing them into the sea. It was obvious he was rescuing the starfish before they were baked by the hot summer sun. “This is a huge beach with hundreds of these starfish,” the young man sarcastically said. “How can your efforts make any difference?” The old man looked at the starfish in his hand and then threw it to safety in the waves. “It makes a big difference to this one,” he replied.
We’re all workers in God’s kingdom. And we’re tempted to think that our contributions don’t amount to much in the grand scheme. I’m sure several in the Bible times thought the same.
However, one courageous man defeated a fearsome enemy of the Israelites, an “invincible” giant (1 Samuel 17:48-51). One uncompromising man lifted the blinds for a pagan king to acknowledge the power of God (Daniel 1:18-20). One humble woman disregarded societal shame and disbelief by bearing and raising the Son of God (Luke 2:7). One impetuous man opened the door for the Jews and Gentiles to receive the salvation of God (Acts 2:38-41; 10:44-48). One lonely man kept the faith while he was exiled for Christ (Revelation 1:9).
You are one, but you are important. You are effective. We won’t always act in epic ways, but we can fulfill the Master’s will.