Is Homosexuality Natural?
by Keith Sharp

In an article in our local newspaper, columnist Tina Dupuy defended homosexuality by needling, “Remember those gay penguins?” Sorry, Tina, missed that one. But a little research turned up the existence in the Oslo Natural History Museum of “the world’s first exhibit documenting cases of ‘homosexual’ behavior in nature” (Kyle Butt, M.A., “Gay Birds and Bees: Is Homosexuality Really Unnatural?”), including displays about such activity among “penguins, parrots, beetles, whales, giraffes, and others.”

Tina, anyone raised around a farm is an eye witness to such behavior among dogs, cattle, etc. The same animals also have “straight” sex. Animals also kill and eat their own offspring, have sex with any available partner, fight and kill rivals, etc., etc. And, if the General Theory of Evolution is true, as Ms. Dupuy alleges, and humans are nothing more than apes with big brains and opposable thumbs, then there really is no such thing as a moral standard, the survival of the fittest is our highest law (Remember Hitler?), and we might as well behave as the brutes we are.

But, thankfully, humans are the only creatures on this earth the Lord God made in His own image (Genesis 1:27). Thus, we must not behave “like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed.” In fact, those who so act “will utterly perish in their own corruption” (2 Peter 2:12). Yes, homosexuality is indeed “against nature” (Romans 1:26-27).

Ms. Dupuy conceded, “If you can choose being gay, then homosexuality can be condemned as a shortcoming”, but countered, “If you can’t choose to be gay, and it’s something you’re born with - then being against homosexual civil rights is just plan (sic) old-fashioned prejudice....”

Certainly some people are predisposed to homosexual behavior whether by a prenatal problem or by childhood experiences. They have our sympathy and understanding (cf. Matthew 9:10-13) but not our approval of their sinful behavior (Ephesians 5:11).

Homosexuality was an accepted practice among Gentiles in the first century (Romans 1:26-27), because they willfully refused to acknowledge God (Romans 1:18-25). But those who became Christians chose to turn away from this depraved lifestyle to live godly lives (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Each of us has sins to which he is predisposed, things which are special temptations, things that each formerly practiced, and for which every one of us deserves condemnation (Romans 1:18-19, 28-32). To come to Christ for salvation we must repent of this behavior (Romans 2:1-11). We must learn to live with virtue and self-control so that our lives become reflections of the moral nature of God (2 Peter 1:2-11).

Humanism is a message of hopeless despair - You’re an animal, and you can’t change. The gospel extends the love of God and the hope of Christ. You were made in the image of God. Christ can change you (Romans 7:24 - 8:4). You can have eternal life in heaven (1 Peter 1:3-5). I hope you will reject humanism and accept the gospel.

- Meditate on These Things, May 2024