So much of what Christians do can be summed up by the simple admonition: “Always set the right example.” Of course, being a consistent representative of Christ and always, without fail, showing others His compassion, His grace, and His teachings is easier said than done. Yet, it is important for men and women of faith to not only recognize our responsibility but also the great privilege of doing just this.
Consider the powerful words of Psalm 52:9: “I will praise You forever, because You have done it; and in the presence of Your saints I will wait on Your name, for it is good.”
You and I are responsible for not merely praising God when things go well but, instead, at all times. And the reason for this is evident – because God has “done” everything for us and continued to provide for our every need.
Notice, furthermore, the value the psalmist places on serving the Lord in the presence of others. When you and I are faithful to our Creator, others see it and are encouraged by it. And, when you and I witness the dedication of others and witness how serious they are about serving God, we are encouraged, emboldened, and strengthened.
As we are thankful for those who encourage us with their examples, let us also be mindful of the power we have to give strength to others by our consistent obedience to our loving Lord.