If you are like me, you have a routine that you go through on Sunday morning to get ready for church services. My alarm is set to wake me up at 5:30 in the morning, but I am usually awake and in my office before then looking over my sermons and Bible class to present that day. I go back home by 7:15, hop in the shower, get dressed, and then Christy and I have a good breakfast.
While I hope everyone has a shower before they come to services, it is more important that we are clean spiritually. To properly prepare ourselves for worship we need to spend some time on Sunday morning in prayer to God asking Him to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
We certainly need to be dressed for church services, and because we are assembling to honor God it is fitting that we wear our best. However, we need to spend some time making sure we are spiritually dressed for the occasion. Have we taken the time to put on the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:13-17)? Have we put off anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of our mouth, and lying (Col. 3:8-9) and put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forgiveness, love, and peace (vs. 12-15)?
It is important that we eat a good breakfast. We can’t focus on the teachings and participate in the worship if our stomach is grumbling. While feeding the stomach, are we taking time to feed our spirit on Sunday morning? Set aside some time to read a chapter or passage that will better prepare you to worship God. Look over your Bible Class lesson.
I’m glad we all take the time to get our bodies ready to assemble and worship. God also sees the heart. Let’s make sure we take the time to prepare our hearts to worship God in spirit and in truth.