Devotees of pagan religions memorize their “sacred writings.” No one can teach in a Mohammedan mosque until he has memorized the Koran. Buddhist priests can quote their writings for hours without making a mistake. How is this possible? They are deeply interested in their subject.
Some sports enthusiasts can tell you the batting averages of practically every player in the major leagues. They know the scores of every football game played last year. Some go so far as to watch two games at once on different televisions lest they miss some significant play. Why is this? They are deeply interested in their subject.
Others are experts at Trivial Pursuit. They can answer questions ranging from movie stars to motorcycles, from science to snow-capped mountains, from Japanese customs to Jack and Jill nursery rhymes. How did they obtain such proficiency in trivialities? They are deeply interested in their subject.
Some who profess to be Christians don’t know where to find scriptures telling man what to do to be saved. They have need that one teach them again concerning the first principles (Hebrews 5:12). Wonder why?