The productivity of seed is directly proportionate to the fertility of soil. It matters not how good the seed is, if it is planted in bad soil; either it will not germinate or, having germinated, it will produce a sickly plant. So it is with the word of God and human hearts.
In the parable of “The Sower,” stress is laid, not on the power of the seed, but, on the kind of soil in which it is sown. Four kinds of soil are mentioned in which the seed is sown - the wayside, rocky places, soil in which thorns are abundant, and good soil (Luke 8:1-15; Matt. 13:1- 23). Each of these represents four different kinds of human hearts, while the seed is called “the word of God” (Luke 8:11).
The deficiencies of the first three kinds of soil do not, in any way, cast reflection upon the power of the seed to produce life. The problem is in the soil and not in the seed. Neither should men speak of the word of God as powerless to convert men - the potential to produce new life and to change men is found in the word of God (see Romans 1:16; 1 Peter 1:22-25). So why doesn’t it always bring forth an abundant harvest? - because the soil, the human heart, is not receptive or it is encumbered with the cares of the world. So, let’s not blame God for our lack of productivity - the kind of soil we are has been our choice.
What are the ingredients of fertile soil? Jesus defines it thusly: “... they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience” (Luke 8:15). I believe there are still human beings with good hearts that want the word of God. Is your soil good?