I’ve heard the numbers quoted all my adult life: half of all children of Christians leave the faith. Without going to the trouble of a survey, we all intuitively know that this is the case. Many sermons have been preached on why they left.
What I want to do is share the research as to why half stayed. Five characteristics were common among children that never lost their faith:
1. Ate dinner 5 of 7 nights a week as a family.
2. Served with their families in a local church.
3. Had one spiritual experience in the home during the week.
4. Entrusted with responsibility in spiritual service at an early age.
5. Had at least one faith-focused adult in their lives other than a parent.
As you can see, the emphasis was not raising a “church kid,” but a disciple of Jesus (Luke 9:23-26). A child who remains faithful in worship assemblies is one who truly connected with Christ at an early age - and stayed connected.
- lawofliberty.com