The Book of Mormon
by Steve Bobbitt

The Book of Mormon is a spiritual fraud. The apostles of Christ urged that we “be not disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if by us” (2 Thessalonians 2:2). That warning aptly fits the visions, revelations and writing of Mormonism. These are only “as if” with divine authority.

The Book of Mormon is unnecessary. The will of God is completely and fully revealed in the Bible, the word of God. The faith had been “once for all” delivered (Jude 3). The completeness of the Bible does not allow room for the Book of Mormon. Its addition serves no purpose and thus is not needed. The Old Testament Scriptures both acknowledge their insufficiency and prophesy of another covenant. The New Testament Scriptures, on the other hand, openly affirm their all-sufficiency and make no provision for any additional revelations.

The Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible. When unbelieving men seek to attach uninspired books they have written themselves to the word of God, you can look for contradictions. So it is with the Book of Mormon. Consider: 1) the Book of Mormon says Jesus was born at Jerusalem (Alma 7:10); the Bible says Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1). 2) the Book of Mormon says people who lived before Christ were called Christians (Alma 46:15); the Bible says the name Christian was used first years after the death of Jesus (Acts 11:26). 3) the Book of Mormon says the darkness after Jesus’ death lasted three days (3 Nephi 8:19-23); the Bible says three hours (Luke 23:44). When two statements conflict both cannot be true. If the Bible is true, the Book of Mormon is false.

The Book of Mormon has been altered. The claim is made that the Book of Mormon is an inspired translation of mysterious golden plates. If God directed the translation, surely it is absolutely correct. Who would dare alter it? In 1 Nephi 11:18 the first edition of the Book of Mormon (published 1830) says: “Beloved, the virgin which thou seest, is the mother of God.” Today’s edition says: “…the mother of the Son of God.” Verse 21 of the same chapter has been changed from “Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Eternal Father” to “…yea, even the Son of the Eternal Father.” Over 2,100 changes have been documented. Were the Book of Mormon actually written and translated by the power of God there would have been no need for over two thousand changes.

The Book of Mormon is not the word of God. It is an imposter, a counterfeit. We urge its adherents to abandon it and turn to the Bible, the only word of God, which can make each of us “complete, thoroughly furnished unto every good work” (2 Timothy 3:15-17).

- The Apostolic Messenger, May 1987