“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:20). The apostle Paul was in a Roman prison awaiting trial before the crazed Roman Emperor Nero. His unjust imprisonment and uncertain outcome and possible execution could have made him discouraged and bitter. Yet, he was confident that either way, to live or die, it would turn out well. Why? He was focused on exalting Jesus as foremost in his life and not himself.
Most human disappointment, anger, and bitterness come when we focus too much on ourselves and our selfish agenda, as if the universe revolved around us.
The universe revolves around Jesus as the centerpiece of God’s plan of redemption, who made Him Lord of all.
What are we living for? If for self, we will be sorely disappointed and frustrated. If we live solely for Christ, we will never be disappointed. “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed” (Rom. 10:11). Why? In every situation, good or bad, we can show the world the wonderful supremacy of Christ and His surpassing power in our lives. Such was Paul’s self-less, Christ-exalting example.
Only Jesus, our Savior and Lord, matters in life and death. All else is secondary. In Christ, it’s all good, if we live for Him (Gal. 2:20, Rom. 10:12).