Nothing To Religious Training?

Max Jukes lived in the state of New York. He did not believe in religious training. He made sure he married a girl of like character. From this marriage, they have 1,026 descendants. 300 of them died prematurely. 100 were sent to the penitentiary for an average of 13 years a piece. 190 were public prostitutes. There were 100 drunkards. And the family cost the state $1,200,000. They made no contribution to society.


Jonathan Edwards lived in the same state. He believed in religious training. He made sure he married a girl of like character. From this marriage, there were 729 descendants. Out of this family have come 300 men who preach, 65 college professors, 13 university presidents, 60 authors of good books, 3 U.S. Congressmen, and one vice-president of the U.S., and except for Aaron Burr (a grandson of Edwards who married a questionable character), the family has not cost the state a single dollar.

The difference in these two families: religious training in youth and a religious environment thereafter.

- bulletin from the Broad Street Church of Christ, Columbus, OH, Oct. 8, 1972