How Long Is This Line?
by Wayne Greeson


See the line above? How long is it? Two and one half inches? Three inches? You could ask twenty different people how long this line is and it is very possible that you would get twenty different answers!

But what is the actual length of the line? The only sure way to get the true answer is to pull out a ruler, the standard of authority, and measure the line. Now ask twenty different people how long the line is and have each use a ruler to measure the line. Not surprisingly, all will arrive at the same answer since each relied on the same standard of authority rather than opinion.

Now, what must one do to be saved? And, how should we conduct our work for and our worship to God? When these eternal questions are asked, many people provide answers as accurate as guessing the length of the line above. Ask twenty different people these questions and you will get twenty different opinions.

But what are the actual answers to these questions? The only sure way to get the correct answers is to pull out the religious ruler, the religious standard of authority, the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Just as the length of the line above is not determined by your guesswork, neither is your salvation or worship acceptable to God determined by your opinion or guesswork. God's Word has the answers, let us have the wisdom to use it.