Sharks and Christians
by Clif Dennis

I read recently of a young man who dives for exotic fish for aquariums. He said that one of the most popular aquarium fish is the shark. According to him, if you catch a small shark and put it in an aquarium it will never outgrow the aquarium. It is fully matured as six inches long. The same shark turned loose in the ocean will grow to their normal length of eight to ten feet.

Christians are somewhat like that. If they swim around in the first principles of knowledge, unlike the shark they are not mature, and they will never outgrow that stage. But if they throw themselves into the vast oceans of available Scripture and absorb and apply it, they can grow to be mature Christians (Heb. 5:12-14).

- From a bulletin for the Robison Street church of Christ, Edna, TX, 1/29/17