Daily Bible Reading
by Heath Rogers

Some people like to make New Year's Resolutions. They see the need to make improvements in their lives, and the beginning of the year is a great place to make a "new start." Most resolutions concern things like dieting and exercising, improving our relationships, and helping our fellowman. These are all good and commendable goals. However, I believe there is another goal that will greatly improve one's life: Becoming a Daily Bible Reader.

Reading the Bible benefits us in many ways. It gives us wisdom and understanding (Psalm 119:97-104), guidance and direction (Psalm 119:105, 133), strength, stability and fruitfulness (Psalm 1:2-3), nourishment (1 Peter 2:2), as well as our soul's salvation (1 Peter 1:22-23).

In short, the Bible gives us everything that we need. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Two things are necessary in order for you to become a Daily Bible Reading. First, you will need a Bible that you can read. I suggest that you get a readable (and reliable) translation of the Bible. Bibles come in all sizes today. Make sure that the print in your Bible is big enough to allow you to read it with comfort and ease.

Secondly, Daily Bible Reading requires time. In our busy lives we know that unless we set aside the time to do something, it usually does not get done. Are you a morning person? Set aside time in the morning to read your Bible. This will allow you to start your day with God's Word fresh on your mind, helping you to meditate upon it throughout the day. Are you an evening person? Make time in the evening hours to read the Bible. Then, as you relax and unwind at the end of the day, your mind can reflect upon the Word of God instead of worrying about the problems of the world.

It is always easier to stick with a task if one can chart his progress. This is true with Daily Bible Reading. Instead of opening up your Bible haphazardly and reading where the pages fall open, I suggest that you follow a Daily Bible Reading schedule. Several schedules have been published that will allow you to read the entire Bible through in one year. Some Bibles even come with a reading schedule printed in the back pages.

On the next page is a Bible Reading Schedule that I came up with a few years ago that allows one to read the entire New Testament through in three months. You will notice that the books are arranged in a different order than what is found in the Bible. This allows one to spread out the gospels and epistles. Also, I suggest you use this reading schedule as an opportunity to read different translations of the Bible during the year. Read through it first in your favorite translation, then read through it again with a different translation or a different Bible. You may be surprised how much this can help you in your Bible reading.

Give Daily Bible Reading a try. Allow God to speak to you through His Word on a daily basis. This is a resolution that cannot help but improve one's life.

Bible Reading Schedule
The New Testament in Three Months
__ Mark 1-3__ Luke 16-18__Galatians 4-6
__ Mark 4-6__ Luke 19-21__Hebrews 1-3
__ Mark 7-9__ Luke 22-24__Hebrews 4-6
__ Mark 10-12__ Acts 1-2__Hebrews 7-9
__ Mark 13-16__ Acts 3-5__Hebrews 10-11
__ 1 Thess. 1-5__ Acts 6-7__Hebrews 12-13
__ 2 Thess. 1-3__ Acts 8-9__Romans 1-2
__ 1 Cor. 1-2__ Acts 10-12__Romans 3-5
__ 1 Cor. 3-4__ Acts 13-15__Romans 6-8
__ 1 Cor. 5-7__ Acts 16-18__Romans 9-11
__ 1 Cor. 8-9__ Acts 19-21__Romans 12-13
__ 1 Cor. 10-11__ Acts 22-24__Romans 14-16
__ 1 Cor. 12-14__ Acts 25-26__John 1-3
__ 1 Cor. 15-16__ Acts 27-28__John 4-6
__ 2 Cor. 1-3__ James 1-3__John 7-9
__ 2 Cor. 4-6__ James 4-5 __John 10-12
__ 2 Cor. 7-9__ 1 Peter 1-2__John 13-15
__ 2 Cor. 10-13__ 1 Peter 3-5__John 16-18
__ Ephesians 1-3__ 2 Peter 1-4__John 19-21
__ Ephesians 4-6__ Matthew 1-2__1 John 1-3
__ Philippians 1-4__ Matthew 3-4__1 John 4-5
__ Colossians 1-4__ Matthew 5-7__2 John - Jude
__ 1 Timothy 1-3__ Matthew 8-9__Revelation 1-3
__ 1 Timothy 4-6__ Matthew 10-12__Revelation 4-6
__ 2 Timothy 1-4__ Matthew 13-15__Revelation 7-9
__ Titus - Philemon__ Matthew 16-18 __Revelation 10-12
__ Luke 1-3__ Matthew 19-21__Revelation 13-15
__ Luke 4-6__ Matthew 22-23__Revelation 16-18
__ Luke 7-9__ Matthew 24-25__Revelation 19-20
__ Luke 10-12__ Matthew 26-28__Revelation 21-22
__ Luke 13-15__ Galatians 1-3