by Keith Greer

While we live here on earth, we encounter obstacles, trials, and tests. Our handling of these temptations will determine where we spend eternity. Let's give temptation a closer look.

Temptation springs from all fronts-friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and, brethren. Yes, even brethren. Suppose a brother in Christ wishes to share with you some gossip about another brother or sister. Should you listen? This is a subtle temptation.

Never forget that Satan is behind every temptation! He uses our own desires to trap and enslave us into doing his will. His only aim is the spiritual ruin of our souls. This is the purpose of each temptation. Remember, Satan doesn't care about you!

Is temptation helpful in any way? Yes! Withstanding and overcoming temptation can make us stronger and more determined to serve God. We become better prepared to endure the next trials and temptations Satan sets before us. We can win--believe it!

Endurance is the key to victory. Temptation is temporal; it will not last forever. We need to face it with the knowledge that it cannot defeat us, unless we provide the opportunity. God will deliver us.

God has not left us helpless against the enemy's onslaught. We can defend ourselves and defeat him, but we must fight the battle. Each day, we engage in the war between the flesh and spirit. The one that gains control will be the one to which we submit. Satan cannot be victorious without our help. Sin is born only when we yield to temptation, and we know that sin separates us from God. Trust God and pursue the better course!