Final Issue of the Knollwood Messenger
By Keith Greer

In July of 1998, under the auspices of the Knollwood church, I began to publish the Knollwood Messenger. For several years, I wrote most of the articles, except those in some special issues. In 2003, we began to add staff writers who assumed some of the heavy writing burden. At that time, the writers were: Micky Galloway, of Lancaster, CA; Dennis Ross, Sweet Home, OR; Randy Blackaby, New Carlisle, OH; Glendol McClure, Antioch, CA; and Larry Curry, who now preaches in Crestwood, IL. During the past few years we've used other writers' articles that I have saved or retrieved from online files. After a twelve-year run, effective July, 2010, we are publishing the final issue of the Knollwood Messenger.

Lord willing, in September of 2010, after 13 years at the Knollwood church, my wife and I will be moving to a new work in Harrodsburg, KY. This paper has served two roles-the web page and the local church. The new preacher may choose to use a different format; or he may choose not to publish a monthly periodical and to confine his efforts to the local bulletin. During our years here, I've done both. We've chosen this time to pursue a new work and allow a new voice to be heard here.

None of this work would have been possible without the help of a proof reader, good friend, and sister, Carolyn Rix. From the first issue until this one, sister Rix has proof-read the Messenger articles. She has invested countless hours encouraging me, helping with special topics, and providing good solutions when I was encountering problems. I deeply appreciate her efforts. Whatever measure of good this paper may have accomplished is due, in part, to her efforts.

The Messenger articles have also appeared on the church's web page. Thank you for taking the time to send your comments, even when you disagreed. We shared our dialogue in a very good way. Challenging one's thinking serves as a good tool for personal growth and often affords other opportunities to teach the saving gospel of Christ. I also want to thank you for your words of encouragements during the years; they were uplifting and appreciated.

Respect for God will strengthen our faith. "So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified." {Acts 20:32} I hope and pray that, in some small way, this paper has uplifted your faith, provoked you to further study, challenged your minds to give God the priority in your lives and make you stronger, more dedicated members of Christ's body. May God help us not to lose sight of the awesome task He has placed in our hands and take every afforded opportunity to extend the borders of His kingdom. Again, thank you for taking the time to read each month; and Lord willing, what we've learned together will benefit us all as we strive to diligently serve God. Please remember us in your prayers as we make this move to serve God in a new community.