Troubled About Many Things
By Ryan Goodwin

A World Full of Trouble

Many people believe they have much--jobs, money, fashion trends, marital problems, even health concerns--about which to worry. While many of these conditions are unavoidable, it is sad that a majority of individuals respond very poorly to them, never truly knowing the answer to the problem of worry. In a society that is so wealthy and prosperous, it should surprise us that about 25 million people suffer from stress and anxiety. Two thirds of physically healthy Americans worry that they will develop a major illness during their lifetimes and have inadequate health insurance. Some studies indicate that almost half of young teenagers worry about money, their social lives, and grades. Beyond that, there is a constant sense of worry about war; one poll found that war was at the top of the list of things about which Americans worry most. How should we respond to this worrisome and stressful world?

In Philippians 4:6, through the apostle Paul, our Lord spoke powerful words: "Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." It is encouraging to know that Jehovah wants us to pray to Him about the things that worry us. When we are stressed about our finances, or the health of a loved one, we ought always to pray to the Father for relief (Psalm 81:6-7). "Casting all your care upon Him; for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) God does not want to relieve us of our anxiety simply to shut us up, or as a token act of generosity. No, He truly cares for us. When we are suffering, He makes it His business. When we are nervous, He wants to allay that pain. Even when we are "in the valley of the shadow of death," the Lord comforts us. Of course, in the matter of our worries, we also have obligations:

  1. Just praying for something does not automatically ensure that it will come about--especially if our motives are not right (James 4:3).

  2. If we do not establish our faith in the fight against worry, then we will not have sure footing. Consider Peter's example (Matthew 14:31). He walked on water, and did it well, until, because of his anxiety, he lost faith and began to sink. The Lord said, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" Increased worry is the natural result of a lack of faith.

  3. In Ecclesiastes 1:18, we learn that the same thing is true of knowledge. At times, we wish we didn't know about dangers or trials. For some, ignorance is bliss--in parenting, marriage, workplace danger, or just driving down the road. But we cannot avoid knowledge of some things.

In this life, there are conditions, such as health issues, or even death, which we cannot avoid. But worrying does nothing to prevent those tragedies; in some cases, it actually quickens their onset.

Christ made it clear that worry is a fruitless activity; "And which of you, by being anxious, can add a single cubit to his life's span?" (Matthew 6:27) Therefore, we must learn to cast our anxieties upon the Lord (Psalm 55:22) and trust that all things will turn out as they should.

Worry About Our Needs

Like Martha, many people are "careful and troubled about many things." (Luke 10:41) We live in an age of worry, in which every person is under the perception that he or she has a long laundry list of anxieties and fears. We worry about money. We worry about moving into a good neighborhood. We worry about car accidents, house fires, bee stings, letters from the IRS, and just about everything else that can, does, or does not go wrong. One worrier said, "I have so many troubles that if anything happens to me today, it will be two weeks before I can get around to worrying about it." Do you ever feel that way?

We must remember that worry is not a wholesome activity; God almost always discouraged it because of its absolutely futile nature. "Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" (Matthew 6:27) Does worrying make our problems go away? Does it ease the tensions in a financially strained home? Worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you plenty to do, but it gets you no where.

Admittedly, in this life, we sometimes face unavoidable and unpleasant situations. But the very fact that a situation is unavoidable should make us realize that, by worrying, we are only hurting ourselves. For example, many people worry about dying; but we're all doing to die (Hebrews 9:27), so why worry? Instead of fearing death, we ought to prepare our souls for it, and embrace the hope for limitless joys in the afterlife.

We also worry about growing old, but that too cannot be stopped (even with all the plastic surgery and botox in the world). Rather than look down on the aging process, we ought to respect it and enjoy the benefits of old age, such as the dignity of gray hairs (Proverbs 20:29), and the respect that comes with advanced years. "But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things." (Titus 1:1-3) Also read 1 Timothy 5:1-10.

Worry is absolutely unnecessary, and it shows a great lack of faith when we do not trust God to provide for our worldly needs. "Your heavenly Father knows that you need all of these things." (Matthew 6:32) If God knows what we need in the way of food, clothing, shelter, and other comforts, then we should not make a big deal about the things that we lack. We may perceive a need for a bigger house, a newer car, or better health, but it is up to God to distribute His blessings as He sees fit.

Overcoming Worry

"Cast all your burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." (Psalm 55:22) God's word tells us to use our prayers and petitions to lay all of our anxieties at His feet. Trusting Him is the key to relieving stress, depression, and general worry. But it is sometimes very difficult for us to accept this truth because we do not always understand, at the time, why we are suffering. This is especially true when it seems to us that God neither hears nor cares about our prayers. So how do we reach a point at which we can truly learn to trust God and stop worrying?

Do not lean on your own understanding of the situation. First, we see a helpful truth in Proverbs 3:5: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding." It is often not within our power to know why everything happens the way it does in our lives:

  1. When coping with stress at work, grieving for a loved one, or fearing a life of loneliness while unmarried, we may begin to formulate explanations about why these events are taking place.

  2. We must be careful because sometimes a true explanation is not to be found; most of the time, our own limited understanding of a situation cannot possibly lend itself to appropriate answers.

  3. To gain peace and contentment in any situation, good or bad, we must stop asking why and simply accept that God's ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9).

  4. Not only that, but we do not always have the proper perspective to understand certain situations. What may, at one point, seem like a trial may lead to great things down the road.

Live one day at a time. Living our lives a single day at a time is another way that we can cease living by our worries. In Matthew 6:34, the Lord Himself said, "Be not anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." While Christ was not advocating a complete abolition of all planning and future-oriented thinking, He was making it clear that we must be experience and enjoy life for the sake of the present. Remember friends, tomorrow may never even come, so why should we spend today worrying about it. Many people are so concerned about what will happen in the future that they forget one very important thought: sometimes, the best preparation for tomorrow is what needs to be done today.

Stop looking for the bad in every situation. "An ungodly man digs up evil" (Proverbs 16:27). Naturally, we're going to worry about life if we dwell on its bad side. If we look for evil in every place, in every person, and in every situation, of course we will be anxious. If we assume that every stranger is a criminal who intends to kill us, we will fear meeting new people. Or a pessimistic perspective on a new friendship or courtship will make us nervous around these individuals. Cultivating a sense of optimism instead of the alternative helps create a shield to protect us against the sting of worry.

In the end, we must accept that God has been running this universe for thousands of years and that He, more than anybody, knows what He is doing. We cannot worry about what we will eat, or whether we will have a good job, because none of those things matter when compared to the awesome promise of eternal life, where worry will never appear.

Worry and Sin

Is worry a sin? We all do it from time to time, so it is important that we consider our own lives, especially the motivations behind our anxieties. Worry is a sin for the following five very clear reasons outlined in Wendell Winkler's book Heart Diseases and Their Cure.

  1. It shows a complete disregard for God's commands, which plainly tell us, "Be not anxious ..." (Matthew 6:25).

  2. Worry is a waste of time--both the time we could be serving God and the time we could be performing our secular work. Almost all of the things about which people worry are things over which we have no control. A study conducted by the University of Wisconsin found that 40% of our worry is over things that never happen; 22% is petty and needless worry; and 30% is over past events. Only 8% of our worry is actually over legitimately controllable scenarios.

  3. Also, worry troubles the body, which is a temple for the Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Many diseases have been linked to stress and anxiety.

  4. Worry is a sin because it robs us of joy, happiness, and contentment. God wants us to be content in every situation, so when we choose to worry, we profane His will.

  5. Finally, worry is a sin because it keeps our prayers from being answered. James 1:5 and Mark 11:24 make it clear that those who do not ask in faith and trust will not receive the things for which they pray.

Each of us can help remove worry from his life by cultivating a spirit of faith in God. Through faith, we can conquer the fears that attack us from every side. We must make up our minds to defeat worry. Abraham Lincoln said, "I have been about as happy as I have made up my mind to be." By developing a proactive attitude toward faith, we can defeat sin before it has a chance to envelop our souls.

Finally, we ought never to think that we are in control of everything in our lives. All we can do is try our hardest, do our best, and leave the rest to God. After all, it is from Him, our Father, that we receive all the good and wonderful blessings of this life (James 1:17).

May God help us to remember that He is always there for us. God will provide opportunities for us to take care of this life's needs. We must trust Him and His ways above our own; this will greatly reduce careless worry. (KMG)