Max Lucado's John 3:16--
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
By Steven Deaton

For about a decade, I have been hearing about Max Lucado. He first became popular because of his books and has since developed into an entire industry. I do not begrudge his success in terms of being liked or having financial prosperity. If a man is able to have these things while continuing to be faithful to the Lord, more power to him.

Though I have known of Mr. Lucado for several years, I had not, until recently that is, read one of his books. Why, I really do not know. I wanted to, but I just had not gotten around to it; and now that I have, my emotions are mixed.

In one sense, I am happy about reading his book, 3:16, because it gave me insight into who he is and what he teaches. In another sense, I am saddened because Lucado is a pitiful writer (in my opinion) and an even worse gospel teacher (in light of the New Testament). If all of his work is like 3:16, I am truly amazed he was able to negotiate a writing contract and distribution deal. However, poor writing style aside, this review is about his doctrine.

The Good...Sort of

Not all of 3:16 is worthless. The book does defend Jesus as the one, and only, Savior. And Lucado presents God as a just and loving Being.

Chapter 10 addresses the issue of hell. Lucado defends a literal interpretation of the Bible's teaching on hell. He says, in regard to Matthew 7:23, "This verse escorts us to the most somber of Christian realities: hell." Modern men, and even some so-called Christians, are now denying that hell is real.

This is about all the good in the book. However, as you will see if you read further, there are also problems with Lucado's interpretation of hell.

The Bad

3:16 advocates a form of Calvinism. Lucado states, with regard to the new birth, "God handles the task, start to finish." He wrote, "Born again. Birth, by definition, is a passive act. The enwombed child contributes nothing to the delivery." (6) If the parallel between the physical and spiritual births is true in this sense, then God chooses who will and will not be born again. We would have nothing whatsoever to do with it. Thus, God sends us to hell without any contribution on our part; it would be passive.

The Bible teaches that each person does have a part in his own salvation. Each must hear and obey the gospel (Romans 10:9-17). Jesus' teaching about the wise man and the foolish man demands that each have a part. He said the wise man heard and did what Jesus said, but the foolish man heard and did not (Matthew 7:24-27). We do exert effort. We exercise our free will, accept the Bible's teaching, and apply it to our lives by taking action with regard to it. The Bible is right; Lucado is wrong.

The Ugly

Back to the issue of hell: Lucado claims hell is a physical place. With reference to Matthew 10:28 and Luke 16:24, he says, "Words such as body, finger, and tongue presuppose a physical state in which a throat longs for water and a person begs for relief--physical relief." (95)

First, Matthew 10 and Luke 16 are discussing two different topics. In the former, Jesus referred to hell, the eternal dwelling place of the devil, his angels, and all the wicked. In the latter, Jesus referred to Hades, the realm of the unseen, where spirits go to await the resurrection (Luke 16:23). There are no bodies in Hades. When the rich man died, his body was placed in a tomb, while his spirit was in torments (Luke 16:22,23; cf. James 2:26). The same was true of Lazarus. The same is true of all who die.

Second, the Bible does teach that all will be raised and given bodies suited for eternal existence (John 5:28,29; 1 Corinthians 15:22, 35-49). From 1 Corinthians 15, we learn that we do not know the kind of body it will be, but that it will not be like the one we now have. Just as a corn kernel and corn stalk are different, so our eternal tabernacles will be different from the temporal ones.

Here is the real problem with claiming hell is an actual physical, geographical place, like Iowa. 3:16 also claims heaven is a physical place. With reference to the physical earth, Lucado writes,

"Why obliterate a work of art? God never denounced his earth, just our mistreatment of it. Besides, he is the God of reclamation, not extermination. He restores, recovers, renews. Expect and look for him to do it again-to renew and reclaim every square inch of what is rightfully his." (106)

The Bible teaches that the material universe will be utterly destroyed. "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved ... the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat." (2 Peter 3:10-12)

Yes, there will be "new heavens and a new earth," but to claim these will be the old ones is an oxymoron. If they are new, they cannot be like the old. It is like saying the New Testament is the Old Testament recreated. Nonsense!

On page 110, Lucado outdoes himself. He advocates having occupations in the new earthly heaven. He says, "You might oversee the orbit of a distant planetary system ... design a mural in the new city ... monitor the expansion of a new species of plants or animals." Again, "Architects in Moscow might draw blueprints in the new Liverpool. We will feast in heaven; you may be a cook on Saturn ... he may entrust you with the care and feeding of an Africa or two."

It would appear that Mr. Lucado has truly lost his mind. His ability to study and explain God's precious Word is gone, completely. Whatever ability he may have had at one time is there no longer. "For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him." (Matthew 13:12) His philosophy is a cross between those of the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons--both cults. The Jehovah Witnesses have always taught the recreation of the earth, life on earth forever, with only 144,000 going to heaven. Lucado goes one step further by putting all the redeemed, including Jesus, on earth. The Mormons teach that man can ascend to godhood and have his own planet(s) over which he may rule.

What 3:16 shows is the depth of materialism in religious circles. Heaven is the place where God now dwells (1 Kings 8:30,39,43,49), not a place that will come into existence after the judgment, especially not a scrubbed-down, warmed-over earth. It is a place where the citizens will praise God forevermore. Physical attributes given to heaven, or for that matter, to God, are given merely to help us earthly beings have some type of concept of its glory and beauty (Revelation 21, 22). They are not intended to convey an earth-like existence in the hereafter.

Finally, if God is in the renewing and reclaiming business, then what will happen with all His creatures in hell, including the devil? Will He not eventually reclaim them? All souls are His (Ezekiel 18:4). Thus, as Lucado said of God, He will "renew and reclaim every square inch of what is rightfully his." Does this apply only to His non-human creation? Is that which is made in His own image banished to eternal punishment and corruption, while the remainder of creation enjoys a new, eternal bliss? My prediction is that before long, Lucado will re-create his view of hell and annihilate it altogether.

I admonish you to be careful who you listen to. Jesus said, "Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets." (Luke 6:26) Wide popularity and teaching the truth are not compatible. Jesus, the ultimate teacher of truth, was crucified for it. Paul was relentlessly persecuted, pursued from town to town, and, legend says, eventually beheaded in Rome. False teachers, on the other hand, are praised and promoted. Examine, in light of the Scripture, everything every man, including me, teaches (Acts 17:11; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1-6).

For many years, and for many reasons, I've been aware of the danger of Max Lucado and his teaching. In the mid-90s, he convinced the elders of the Church of Christ in San Antonio to remove the name "Church of Christ" from the building. He said it was offensive to others and causing people to pigeonhole the church. It worked-attendance jumped from 3300 to over 4500.

Mr. Lucado left the Lord's church many years ago. He has participated in joint meetings with the denominations. He played the guitar at one of their Easter sunrise services. He denies that baptism is essential for salvation, and on one of his radio programs, he encouraged his listeners to recite the Sinner's Prayer. He does not consider instrumental music to be a doctrinal issue.

Mr. Lucado is a positive Christian writer who is light on substance and heavy on emotion. For this reason-they make people feel good-- his books sell by the millions. He's got what he wanted-world-wide fame. He needs to enjoy it-it is all he will receive (Matthew 6:1-5). (KMG)