Is One Church as Good as Another?
By Carrol R. Sutton

Many claim that one church is just as good as another, but never give Scriptural proof to support their claim.

Is one wife as good as another? Is one medical doctor as good as another? If you're traveling to a specific destination, is one road just as good as another?

Why are we so careful in physical matters and so careless or slack in spiritual matters? Surely our souls are valuable enough to merit our concern about their eternal destinies.

Is One God as Good as Another? Different religions have different gods. Are we free to choose the "god" we like? Would the one God be pleased with any other "god" we might choose? Please read 1 Corinthians 8:5,6; Ephesians 4:4-6; Acts 17:22-31. No, one God is not as good as another!

One church is not as good as another church unless:

Are you in the church that Christ purchased with His blood? If not, you can be, and you should be in order to be saved eternally. One needs to carefully consider the truthfulness of the saying "one church is as good as another."