How To Be Useless and Miserable
Author Unknown

1. Be self-centered, bestow all of your affection and care upon yourself; seek your own happiness and well-being to the point of unconcern for the needs of others.

2. Be demanding of others, tell yourself that others are obligated to you, that it is their duty to be concerned about and look after your best interest, and make no allowance for the least failure on their part to discharge this duty.

3. Feel neglected and become absorbed in self-sympathy, convince yourself completely that others do not fulfill their obligations to you, and never allow the least doubt that you are a subject of misfortune and pity to enter your thoughts.

4. See only good in yourself and faults in others, for every attitude and act of unrighteousness on your part find an excuse to salve your conscience while demanding absolute perfection of others.

5. Look for the ways to place others in a bad light and go around with a chip on your shoulder. Act like everyone else is out of step except you.

6. Never smile and ignore others. When asked what is wrong just say "nothing."

7. Look for the worst possible spin on every situation and place a seed of doubt in others about the actions of those to whom you are jealous.

8. Never talk to the person you have the problem with-always tell others how terrible this person is behaving.

9. Observe these rules and you will attain to complete uselessness -- and perfect misery forever.

If, however, your aim is usefulness and happiness (as I trust that it is), then you must do the exact opposite. "It is more blessed to give than to receive," and selfishness is among man's most soul-condemning blunders. Selfishness has no place in the heart or actions of God's people.