As Christians, we have the ever-present duty of examining ourselves. The apostle Paul told the saints at Corinth: "examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves..." (2 Corinthians 13:5)
As you study, do you give that statement the attention it deserves? Why would Paul express concern over whether or not Christians were "examining themselves"? He answered that question in the remainder of the same verse: "... whether ye be in the faith."
Do you think Paul's urging was only for the first-century Christians in Corinth? Hardly! Good brethren, all we have to do is look about us to see the great urgency of the need to "examine ourselves." For far too long, as the old pioneer preacher said, "brethren we've been drifting." What was once preached, and agreed upon as truth, has now become a matter of opinion or liberty. The social-gospel concept has found its way into so many of the local bodies of Christ (sic), that many no longer hold the time-honored distinction of being "peculiar people" (1 Peter 2:9).
Many of our brethren are embarking upon new forms of worship. Just as the denominations around us have been holding their "traditional contemporary" worship services, some who represent themselves as the "church of Christ" are saying, "give us a king so we can be like those around us." (1 Samuel 8:19-20)
For sometime now, we've been hearing about the West Islip, NY church of Christ, which promotes "gender equality" among its membership. And when you visit their website, sure enough, you can view pictures of their "preachers," Katie Hays and Lance Pape (husband and wife). In addition, there's a list of their "Shepherds," also known as "The Council," that includes both men and women.
We used to wonder when women would be taking active roles in the church services? Wonder no more! For a few years now, the sisters in many of the liberal churches have been making announcements, leading prayers, and serving communion. Even closer to home, some among us now participate in a "love-feast" atmosphere, during which they spend many Sunday hours reclining in near-gluttony with the bread and the fruit of the vine.
What did you say Paul? I said, "examine yourselves." Why examine ourselves Paul? "To see whether you be in the faith." That's what I thought you said Paul.
Let me make this a little more personal, per the context and title of this article. If I am a "contender" for the cause of Christ, as Jude, verse 3 encourages me to be, I will be properly examining my spiritual person. I will examine my faith to make sure it has the distinguishing characteristics that identify a true, sincere Christian. I will "prove" myself, just as men try precious metals when they forge them by heat. Just as gold "passes through the fire" to be rid of its impurities, we too should be tested and proven to be genuine (1 Corinthians 3:13).
What if, after this examination, you find yourself unworthy to be a contender? In fact, in all honesty, you see yourself as a pretender in the faith. Do not be consoled by the fact that you are not alone. With great regret, I must admit that there are far too many pretenders among us. Far too many are uncommitted; far too many are unresolved; far too many are not rooted deep enough in the faith to make the sacrifices required of those who truly contend for the Lord's cause.
Finally, after completing your examination, you may possibly see yourself somewhere between the first two categories, i.e., you may not see yourself as a contender, but neither do you see yourself as a pretender, so inactuality, you are an intender.
Permit me to say that we have an abundant surplus of these types among us. These are the folks who plan to get their spiritual lives together (real soon). Yes, just as soon as things slow down, and time is no longer an issue, these folks are really going to "catch fire" (pun intended). Someone has well said, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." How very true. The question before us is not, "Do you know people in any or all of these three categories?" The question takes us back to Paul's urging that we: "examine ourselves." Thus, the question is "Where do you see yourself."
Are you, like Paul, a contender? In 2 Timothy 4:6-8, we see the results of his self-examination. He said, "I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." Paul practiced what he preached.
Are you a pretender, as were Hymenaeus and Alexander, who made shipwreck of the faith (2 Timothy 2:17-18)? Paul said he delivered them to Satan that they might learn not to blaspheme. Do you want to be delivered to Satan?
If you are a pretender in the faith, you too are making shipwreck of your faith and heading straight toward delivery to Satan. In Matthew 13:40-42, Jesus said: "As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." KJV
Now, if you are "in the kingdom," and by your actions (as a pretender), you are offending and committing iniquity against the kingdom, a furnace of fire is waiting for you.
Are you an intender, like those in Matthew 7:21-23? Will you be one of those trying to "square things up" with Jesus at the Judgment? Will you fall into the same category as those in Luke 9:57-62, who "intended" to follow Jesus, only to allow other things in this life interfere with their service? If you fall into this category, Jesus said, "you are not fit for the kingdom of God."
Paul said to "prove yourselves." And, as I briefly touched on earlier, we need to understand that we accomplish this by faithfully examining our own hearts and lives. As we faithfully examine our own hearts and lives, we diligently compare what the world has to offer us and what our Heavenly Father has to offer us. There's really no comparison.
"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life." (1 Timothy 6:12) Contend for the faith, and make heaven your home.
Brother Lee has given those who are God's children much to consider about the service they render to the Lord. Each of us must remember that Jesus knows the "real deal" concerning our relationship with Him.
In the final judgment, God will separate the contenders from those who were pretenders and intenders. Where do you fit in this mix? (KMG)