During the past few months, we have been overviewing this wonderful book. We continue where we ended last month--at chapter 14.
Chapter 15-Judgment is coming to sinners. In this chapter, Rome's judgment day has arrived! She had sufficient time to change and repent, but she wasted the opportunities. Now, it is too late. She is about to bear the consequences of her actions. God's day of retribution is nearing. God is patient and longsuffering, but Rome waited too long-He will extend no more pity or mercy.
Chapter 16-A more detailed description of this judgment. To know what is about to occur, we have but to fill in the blanks. Those who have the "mark of the beast," are the ones who will be hurt by this judgment. God promised a blessing to those who "wait and watch," keeping their garments from being defiled. This is the chapter where we find the word ARMAGEDDON. What is this place? The word means "Mount Meggido." It had great significance for the Jews. Meggido was a strategic point in Israel's protection. It guarded her northern entrance. In view of this fact, John used the word symbolically to describe a great decisive spiritual battle between the army of Satan and the forces of God-a battle that would determine the fate of each. The battle would be fought, and God would win. The Roman Empire and paganism was about to suffer complete defeat and collapse. The Scripture does not support the idea of a great physical battle in northern Palestine. How would that fit into the book's purpose?
Chapter 17-God's Word is plain. Rome was soundly defeated. This chapter gives a blow-by-blow account of her demise. She had been clothed in royal garments, and she had a name. She was drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs for Jesus. The harlot is identified. Five kings have fallen, one is, and one has yet to come; he will reign for a very short time. The eighth, the beast that was and is not, was then reigning.
*The five fallen: (Augustus-27 BC-14 AD); (Tiberius-14-37 AD); (Caligula-37-41 AD); (Claudius-41-54 AD); (Nero-54-68 AD); (Vepasian-69-79 AD); (Domitian-81-96 AD). Domitian is the beast of the Revelation letter. The woman is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.
Chapter 18-The call for God's people to leave. Rome received notice of her eminent doom. God warned those who did not wish to suffer the same fate to leave at once. He remembered Rome's sins. God was about to pour out retribution according to her own wicked and ungodly deeds. Others who see her desolation will cry and mourn. The avenging of the saints, as desired by the previously martyred saints, was accomplished. The saints' blood was on her hands, and God took notice! Rome thought she was in charge, but she was wrong. God is always in control!