Last month, we saw that the book of Revelation was to be read, believed, and obeyed. This month, we begin with an overview of the book.
Chapter 1-Wait for God. In this chapter, readers are introduced to events "that will shortly come to pass." John is shown to be the book's author (1:1). We also learn that the book's message is "the revelation of Jesus Christ," and that it is addressed to the "seven churches of Asia" (1:4). In the opening chapter, we learn that John is part of the kingdom (1:9). Jesus told John to write the things "which you have seen, the things which are, and the things which will take place after this." (1:19)
Chapters 2 and 3-Churches Have Responsibilities. The seven churches-Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea-are examined. Five are condemned, and two-Smyrna and Philadelphia-are found faithful. What problems brought condemnation on the five churches? Ephesus left her first love (2:4). Peragamos held to false doctrine and allowed it to continue (2:14,15). Thyatira was an immoral church (2:20,21). Sardis was a dead church (3:1). Laodicea was a lukewarm church that was puffed up with pride (3:15-17). These churches were representative of the church's general condition at that time. Sadly, many of these same faults still plague God's people! Simply put, the Lord's basic message to these churches was: repent or God will cease to recognize you as one of His own. Remember this point. Any understanding of the Revelation that leaves without hope those to whom it was written cannot be a proper understanding. It must have meaning for those to whom it was addressed!
Chapter 4-God is in control. This chapter is the "door" to the rest of the book. I've heard people say: "you can understand the first three chapters, and the last three chapters, but everything else is up for grabs!" Previous chapters gave the present state of the churches and predicted tribulation that would increase. The Christians must be courageous and have faith in God. He loves them and is aware of their situation, and He will care for them. God is pictured on the throne, and ALL worship Him. Please read Daniel 2:28; 3:17; 4:25. These passages tell us, and this chapter reinforces, that we needn't wonder about who's in charge. God is! Yes, persecution and tribulation may worsen, for a time-but they will end, and God's people will be victorious because He is in control!
Chapter 5-Jesus Is Worthy. Christ is the Redeemer-God's tool for conquering the persecution. There is weeping because no one is worthy to open the scroll in the hand of He who sits on the throne. Finally, one-GOD'S SON, THE LAMB-is found worthy to open the scroll and loosen the seals. All creatures worship, not only Him who sits on the throne, but also the Lamb, because They are worthy, forever and ever!