For more than 20 years, I was part of the United States Air Force. During that time, I learned, or perhaps I should say "had drilled into me," that it is absolutely necessary to obey orders. The Air Force is made up of three types of people. There are those who do the minimum required to get by. There are those who step out of line and become examples for others to think about when considering the same course. And there are those who consistently go "beyond the call of duty." They are the "superior performers." Most Air Force members fit into the second category; they do enough to "cover the bases." The Bible gives examples of all three types.
Doing enough to get by. The Jews were willing to believe, but not to confess Christ lest they be ostracized by the Pharisees (John 12:42-43). Nicodemus also fit this mold. He desired to be part of the kingdom, but did not want to cut his ties with the religious leaders of the day. He came to Jesus by night (John 3:1-5). He also came expressing desire to bury Jesus body (John 19:38-42). Perhaps we could say these were willing to do the minimum, but no more. Sadly, many in the Lord's church today fit into this group. Often, brethren ask: "Do I have to do such and such." I always answer: "you don't have to do anything." Heaven is not for those who do "just enough to get by."
Disobedient. Take a close look at Israel. God gave them a law and told them to keep it. He sent the prophets to encourage their obedience and to warn them of the consequences associated with getting off course. Time after time, they "did their own thing." Many today believe they can do whatever they wish and call it serving God, even though it may be contrary to His will, and God will just accept it. For example, many brethren want to act like the world. They want to drink, gamble, live immorally, and seek the temporal over the spiritual. They deceive themselves into believing it won't matter to God. They say God loves His people and, in the end, will extend mercy to them. Such thinking is little more than "wishful." We need to learn from the past. Find one disobedient Bible character whom God blessed and accepted.
Superior performers. Jesus is the ultimate example. He learned obedience by the things which He suffered (Hebrews 5:8-9). He went the extra mile with His disciples, the Jews, and with those who were openly His enemies. Paul also went "beyond the call of duty." Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-31. There are many examples of those who humbly lived, to the best of their ability, in submission to God's will. That may not count for much in the eyes of the world; but in the eyes of Him to whom they will give account, they were exceptional (Hebrews 4:13).
In which group do you belong? Are you openly disobeying God, doing just enough to get by, filling in the blanks? Or are you humbly and obediently walking with your God? Trust and obey.