Lessons From Job
By Keith Greer
  1. The book of Job won't answer all the whys, or lessen the tears--but it can provide comfort.
  2. The materials and wealth we attain during this life can disappear in an instant.
  3. Satan is walking "to and fro" seeking whom he may devour.
  4. Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
  5. Only a foolish person would think he could answer any question posed to him by God.
  6. Do not attempt to answer when you do not know. At times, silence is the best course to pursue.
  7. Suffering comes to the good and the bad. The causes of human suffering cannot be laid at God's feet; human suffering is the result of SIN!
  8. True friendship is seen in the offering of comfort. Sometimes, just one tear speaks volumes.
  9. When bad times come, and you want to lash out at God, think about the love and constant care He's shown in the past.
  10. When all is said and done, there is only ONE who truly knows the end from the beginning--God!
  11. When you seek to give comfort to those who are hurting, don't give them cause for saying that you are a "miserable comforter."
  12. Remember, in the relationship man has with his Creator, the Creator is greater.
  13. Don't forget--GOD DOES CARE FOR AND LOVE US!