What Are You Willing To Give Up
By Shane Williams

The world we live in is not spiritually minded. It is not godly or righteous. The world in which we dwell is full of sin and all kinds of evil. It is a sad thing to look around, knowing that most people are not going to make it to heaven. (Matthew 7:13-14) What is perhaps even more sorrowful is the attitude of individuals in the church.

Think of the blessings we have because we are God's children. Look at all He has done for us and at the debt we owe and can never repay. Although we understand and say, "Yes, we owe God a lot," we often fail to act as though we truly believe it. Why do we claim to understand the blessed state of being God's children but fail to do our best to please Him? Don't we believe that only the faithful will make it to heaven? Do we not believe, as Jesus said, that he who does the will of the Father will see heaven? (Matthew 7:21)

I believe a major reason why Christians are not committed, as they should be, is that they aren't willing to give up the things of the world to live for the Lord. In 1 John 2:15, John said "Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." The world and God are on opposite ends of the spectrum. How can we have both? Later, in verse 17, John says that the world is passing away. Those who do the will of God will abide forever. We forget just how temporary our earthly lives are. We get caught up in thinking that the here and now is most important. It's not!! All that we have on this earth is going to pass away. Does it make more sense to concentrate on the things that one day will be passing away, or is it better to put our efforts into what will last eternally? Most everyone will say: "Yes, must concentrate on spiritual things," but how many do?

What are you willing to give up to go to heaven? Many expect to go to heaven but do nothing to ensure their arrival. Many Christians expect to go to heaven but do not want to give up worldliness. Paul told Timothy that times would come when men would be "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God." (2 Timothy 3:4) The same thing is true today. People just have too much to do. "I'm too busy to serve God" is a description of many brethren's lives. They whose busy lives interfere with commitment to the Lord will have much time in eternity, away from God, to think over the times they were too busy to be spiritual.

Again I ask, what are you willing to exchange for heaven? Are you willing to give up things (hobbies, concerts, sports, etc) that interfere with your attendance at worship? Are you willing to give up the short, tight, low-cut outfits designed only for being seen by others? Are you willing to give up talking, acting, and behaving like those in the world? Are you willing to give up worldly associations that might hinder your faithfulness to the Lord? If we're not willing to give up even these few things, how can we say we are willing to sacrifice to go to heaven?

Heaven costs something, and so does being God's child, but the benefits far outweigh this life's burdens and sacrifices. Remember what Christ gave up for us to be able to enjoy these blessings. (2 Corinthians 8:9) He gave His life. How much inconvenience will we accept in living obedient lives for Him? It should not be a burden, but simply a small sacrifice in exchange for the love and kindness He extended to us. Are you willing to pay a bit now in order to reap heaven's rewards later? I hope so!