Does Reading the Bible Consistently Matter?
by Kyle Campbell

I received an email this morning from YouVersion, the creator of Bible App. I use it to listen to the Bible during different times of the day.

It started by saying that reading Scripture isn’t just something to check off of your new year’s list - God’s Word will actually transform your life. I’ve definitely said the same publicly (and thought the same privately) all my adult life.

But then the email said something remarkable. YouVersion declared that research revealed that destructive habits decrease and positive habits increase when people are in God’s Word at least four days a week.

Someone who reads the Bible four or more times a week is:

Additionally, these same people are 30% less likely to struggle with loneliness.

That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? And it’s verification that the Word is “a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).

Get into the Word today. Start a year-long reading program for the entire Bible or the New Testament. If you didn’t get started on New Year’s Day, don’t worry about it. Make your plan from January 4 to January 4. It’s not a big deal.

The real deal is immersing yourself in God’s communication to you. It’ll make you a different person.