The Edges of His Ways
by Anne Stevens

I will never see the total of the things the Lord has done.
All I see are just the edges while His power thunders on.
In a week His word has made them, in a week of numbered days.
Yet these things that mystify me are mere edges of His ways.

I will never cease to wonder at how life is first begun,
Or a flock of birds can gather, taking flight and turn as one.
How could Jesus love the sinner? How can sins be washed away?
Yet these things that mystify me are mere edges of His ways.

Tho’ I climb the highest mountains, and may walk the valleys wide,
Tho’ I catch the mighty creatures from the seas where they abide,
Tho’ I fly through cloudy spaces, see the sunshine all ablaze,
Yet these things that mystify me are mere edges of His ways.

A hymn based on Job 26:14.
Printed with permission from the author.