Missing the Beauty
author unknown

Norman Vincent Peale tells of his first visit to the Grand Canyon. He met a man who had spent much time at the canyon, so he asked which trip he should take in order to see the most possible at the canyon.

The wise old man told him if he really wanted to see the canyon he should not take any of the trips at all. Instead, he should come out early in the morning and take a seat on the rim, sit there and watch the morning pass into noontime and the noontime into afternoon, with the everchanging colors gleaming across the great canyon. Then get a quick supper and return to watch the purple twilight come over the vast abyss. The old man said that if one runs around, he merely wears himself out and misses the beauty and greatness of it all.

The Psalmist said, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Many people are running around in life missing it all, when they need to be still and see God in the simple things of life.