God’s Eternal Standard is Our Rock
by Hobert Kendrick

We can become discouraged witnessing how a large part of our society has turned away from the God of heaven to follow the lusts, appetites and false promises of this world. We see every form of depravity elevated from the purview of the wicked to the construct for the normal.

It is comforting then, to know the One True God determined right and wrong from the very beginning and His precept has never changed. What was sin in the beginning is still sin today, and what was righteous in the beginning is still righteous.

This is a rock we can depend on and our God has provided clear and detailed instructions for us. He caused them to be recorded and then preserved for us over centuries of time so that we can embrace them and follow them today.

Many familiar scriptures reveal sin, (Ex. 20:12-17, Prov 6:16-19, 1 Cor 6:9-10) or instruct righteousness, (Matt 22:37-40, 2 Peter 1:5-8) but really every event recorded in Scripture contains lessons for us.

We are assured if we obey the gospel and are baptized into Christ and walk in God’s precepts, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7), and we can have a home in heaven promised by the Most Faithful God.