It Was God’s Design
by Ron Roberts

God designed the universe. In Genesis 1 and 2 we see the details of creation. Many Christians look at this magnificence and wonder how anyone could not believe in God. The heathen looks at the same universe and concludes it is the result of a cosmic accident, a series or mutations, and the eventual evolution into its modern state.

Moses was given a specific pattern for building the tabernacle. “Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount” (Heb. 8:5). The tabernacle was a foreshadowing of the New Testament church and heaven. If Moses did not follow God’s pattern then the image would be skewed.

The church God designed gives glory to Him (Eph. 3:10). This is done not only in practice but also in its design. When men mutilate the church's blueprint it ceases to praise God. It becomes a benevolent society or a social club. It does not reflect His truth and fails to accomplish His purpose.

God also designed marriage. It was God who decided it was not good for man to be alone (Gen. 2:18). It was God who determined to make one woman for man (Gen. 2: 22). It was God who chose to make Eve from Adam’s rib instead of from the dust of the earth as He did Adam (Gen. 2: 21). It was God who declared the role the woman would fulfill, to be a help meet for man (Gen. 2:18). Adam had seen and named all the animals, but he never saw anything like God’s final creation. He was thrilled with God’s design, and it was all very good (Gen. 2:23-25). When a couple is united with God’s authority, remain together as He intended, and continues to perform the roles He assigned them then the marriage is fulfilling to man and it gives glory to God as the designer of the home. Of course, as men do not want to credit God for creation of the universe, so they want to deny Him any credit in the makeup of the home. As they want to modify the church to please themselves, so they want to change the home to appeal to their lustful, selfish appetites. In the end the marriage does not fulfill man nor does it glorify God.

When men determine God has no authority in marriage, then the floodgates are opened to usher in all sorts of perversions. Some men decide they want to have multiple wives. Other men would rather have a male partner who chooses to call himself a wife. Men reject God’s authority in their selection of a mate. They may choose someone to marry who is not eligible according to the Scriptures. They may not marry at all, just live together. Most feel it is their option to leave a marriage anytime they get bored, frustrated, or find someone else who is more appealing to their lusts. When men decided God did not design marriage for a man and a woman, then they removed all the restraints on man’s passions. There is no end to the amount of initials that will be added to the LGBTQ community. Men may get excited with their new freedoms, but they will not enjoy the ultimate results in life or eternity. No mutilation of God’s design will ever improve on what He intended.

These perverted ideas are not new. The city of Sodom was full of immorality (Gen. 19:4-11). Lamech way back in Genesis 4:19 decided he could have two wives. Israel’s hard heartedness led to many flippant divorces and subsequent second and third marriages (Matt. 19:7-8). The loose idea toward marriage began the decay which brought the flood upon mankind (Gen. 6:1-7). Historians believe the corrupted sexual morals of the Romans contributed greatly to the eventual fall of the Roman empire. The fabric of the home makes up society. When one collapses the other is not far behind.

The universe praises God (Ps. 19:1-6). The church gives glory to God (Eph. 3:21). The home can also be a place of reverent worship to the Father (Ps. 127 and 128). When we follow God’s design we will be the best we can be and give Him the praise He more than deserves.

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