A Word of Thanks
by Heath Rogers

As this year draws to a close, it is fitting that we acknowledge and offer appreciation for the work that has contributed to our success.

I appreciate our elders (Randy Harvey, Jeff Conover, John Sellers, Randy Reeder, and Mike Hepner) for their tireless work in overseeing this flock. I am thankful for their special effort to meet with every member this past year. Because of their planning, we were blessed with two gospel meetings (with Kevin Clark and Zack Lee), a Youth Lectureship (with Mark Russell), a Vacation Bible School, and two area-wide singings (arranged by Jason Reeder). These men support, challenge, and encourage me in my work, for which I am grateful.

We are blessed with eight deacons (Mark Anspach, Brian Blackaby, Jason Blackaby, Terry Caldwell, Jason Davis, Garrett Degler, Jason Reeder, and Clifford White). These men are all assigned various responsibilities, many of them "behind the scenes," and the work of this congregation moves forward because of their service.

Standing behind our elders and deacons are godly wives who support and help them in their important work.

I am very grateful for our Bible Class teachers. Our Children's Bible Classes are taught by members who have a desire and devotion to help young souls learn and live the truths of God's word. The hours that were spent in preparing lessons and classrooms will bear fruit into eternity. I am also thankful for the men who step in and teach the Bible Classes in my absence.

I am thankful for those who have helped in various ways over the past year: preparing communion, cleaning the building, mowing the lawn, removing the snow and ice from the parking lot, giving rides to members, visiting the sick and shut-ins. The group leaders have worked hard to provide opportunities for us to spend more time together, as well as to encourage others.

I am grateful for those who have prayed for this congregation over this past year. There is great power in prayer. A strong and growing church is going to be made up of member who are devoted to prayer.

I thank every member who has invited someone to come to services with them. There are still souls who are searching for their Savior. A sincere invitation to attend our services; a warm greeting extended to visitors; a friendly follow-up afterwards - all of these are necessary and appreciated.

I am thankful for the opportunity to enter another year with all of you, but with this blessing comes challenges and responsibilities. Are we, as individual members of this congregation, committed to growing closer to God and to one another? Are we committed to growing in our knowledge of God's Word? Are we committed to living a life that will shine as a light in this dark world? Are we committed to drawing others to the Savior? Are we committed to having strong marriages and raising godly children? Are we committed to reverencing God in our worship? Are we committed to exhorting one another and helping one another in the year ahead?

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord" (1 Cor. 15:58).