Our Aim

Our aim as a church is to reproduce in this community a church of the Lord Jesus Christ such as was planted and nurtured by inspired apostles of Christ in New Testament times. In name, in worship, in organization, in spirit, and in life, we propose to emulate the Church of the New Testament.

Our aims are not social, political, or economic, but spiritual. Our program is, therefore, spiritual. It is our aim to live and to teach others to live to fit ourselves and others to live eternally with God in a better world than this. We believe in the all-sufficiency of the Gospel of Christ and the Church of Christ to effect this grand and glorious result. We, therefore, in our teaching and practice exalt the Christ, His teaching and His church.

Believing that we save ourselves as we participate with Christ in the salvation of others, we earnestly covet the opportunity to do service to our fellowman. We, therefore, extend to all a fervent invitation to attend our services. Every visitor is our honored guest and will be accorded a warm welcome. We should like to know you personally and for you to know us better religiously.

If you are a visitor to our area, we welcome you to our community and urge that you test the warmth of the members of this congregation. We believe the New Testament simplicity of our worship and the Bible-based teaching in our classes and from the pulpit will challenge your interest and your respect.

From a bulletin for this congregation dated Oct. 8, 1972