Possible Reactions to Hearing God's Word
by Heath Rogers

God's word is able to save our souls (James 1:21). However, God's word can only save us if we receive it in the proper manner.

The word of God is designed to illicit a response from the hearer. The same word is preached to everyone, for there is only one gospel (Rom. 1:16). The responses are different because the heart of the hearer determines how it will be received. This is why Jesus cautioned us to "take heed how you hear" (Luke 8:18).

God's word can make us sad. The Rich Young Ruler was sincere when he asked Jesus what he had to do to inherit eternal life (Mark 10:17-22). Jesus told him what he lacked. He had to sell his possessions and give them to the poor. "But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions" (v. 22). Eternal life was available to him, but it cost him a price he was unwilling to pay. Sometimes God's word calls for us to part with possessions, habits, attitudes, or relationships that we are not willing to "sell and give away."

God's word can make us mad. Stephen told the Jews the truth. They were resisting the Holy Spirit and had killed the Son of God (Acts 7:51-53). They responded by killing Stephen (vs. 54-60). Paul told another mob of Jews that Jesus had sent him to preach to the Gentiles. When he said the word "Gentiles" they erupted into a fit of anger and called for his death (Acts 22:21-23). God's word has the power to convict us of our sins. It cuts and pierces the heart like a double-edged sword (Heb. 4:12). When it does, we can either get mad or repent.

God's word can make us glad. In the first gospel sermon, Peter told a multitude of Jews they had killed their Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36). Like Stephen's audience, these Jews were convicted of their sin, but they did not kill the messenger. Instead, three thousand souls were saved that day. What made the difference in the response? These individuals "gladly received his word" (v. 41).

When we hear the word of God, we can be content because we know we are right with God, we can be convicted and make our life right, or we can be condemned because we walk away in sorrow or anger. The choice is up to us. We must take heed how we hear and choose to respond to the word of God.