Questions About the Weekly Contribution
by Heath Rogers

Last Sunday morning in our auditorium Bible class we studied how the weekly contribution is an important part of our worship. I received a couple of questions after class that I will address in this article.

Is it wrong to give once a month rather than every Sunday?

The instruction from Scripture is "on the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come" (1 Cor. 16:2).

We are to give on the first day of the week. However, not everyone gets paid on a weekly basis, so not everyone prospers on a weekly basis. Is it wrong to only give on the weeks one has prospered (gets paid)?

Most brethren receive an income (prosper) on a regular basis. They may get paid every week, bi-weekly, once a month, etc., but they know the income will continue. The instruction from Scripture is to lay by in store on the first day of the week. Giving is a part of our Lord's day worship. In making a contribution we are participating in the worship, offering a token of our thanksgiving for the Lord's blessings, and having fellowship in the work of the local church. We should want to participate in this act of worship every Lord's day.

Another thing to consider is the example we are setting for others. While we should not be looking around at everyone when the plate is being passed, it is sometimes obvious to those who sit nearby, as well as to those who pass the plates, when someone is not participating. We don't want to distract others from worshiping because they are wondering why we aren't participating, and we certainly don't want to set a poor example for our children or new converts. Isn't it best that we participate every Lord's day?

How difficult would it be to divide up the amount we purpose in our hearts to give (2 Cor. 9:7) by the number of Sundays in a month and give that amount each Lord's day? By doing so, we are participating in every act of worship and setting a good example for those around us.

What should a member do with their contribution when they are out of town?

We make plans to attend worship services with faithful brethren when we are out of town. We join them in singing praises and offering prayers to God, we partake of the Lord's Supper with them, and listen to their preacher. What should we do when the collection plate is passed? It is an act of worship. Shouldn't we participate?

If I have identified myself as a member of the Knollwood church of Christ, I have committed myself to helping with the work of this congregation. I will support it in every way I can, including with my weekly contribution. Is it right for me to take this support with me when I go out of town and give it to another congregation?

While it may be a sound church, and the money will be put to good use there just as it is here at Knollwood, there is something else I need to consider. The elders here have to decide how to spend the funds that are collected. From time to time they will look at the average contribution and make sure they are not overextending themselves when they make a budget. Meeting this budget is important. While I want the cause of Christ to prosper in all places, I have an obligation to make sure it prospers here at Knollwood. That being the case, I give extra before I go out of town or give extra when I return. That way, I am doing my part to make sure the elders have the funds they can count on to put towards the work they have committed the congregation to accomplish.

If one wants to put something in the collection plate when they are visiting another congregation, that is fine. Many brethren are in a position to give a little extra now and then, and giving when out of town would be a great time to do so. However, our goal should be to support the work at Knollwood with our contributions.

Think about it.