Live Deeply
by Heath Rogers

I recently heard our world referred to as a "surface society." This sounds catchy, but I didn't really know what it meant. Some investigation informed me that it is the understanding that society pressures us to bury our true self (our hurts, our convictions, our goals) and put on an outer veneer that blends in with everyone else.

Those who oppose this pressure call upon people to "live deeply." This means we are to cast off the outer show that is expected of us and be our true selves. Of course, this idea has given us the parade of deviant lifestyles that are on display all around us today. A life that is without God is tragic, and such tragedies are displayed before us without shame.

However, the gospel calls upon the Christian to live deeply - to be true to our confession and our convictions. We are not to be conformed to the expectations of the world, but be transformed throughout our entire lives by renewing our minds according to the truth set forth in God's word (Rom. 12:2). We are not to hide or compartmentalize our faith. Our faith is to be the driving force of our daily lives. It is to define what kind of a spouse we are, what kind of an employee we are, what kind of a neighbor we are, and what kind of a citizen we are - as well as what kind of church member we are.

Are you living a life that matters, or are you just blending in with the world? Are you really living for Jesus, or are you going through the motions? Can people tell by getting to know you that you are a true Christian, or are you keeping your faith hidden?