The Christian's Involvement in Social Media
by Heath Rogers

Most Christians have an on-line presence that includes participating in social media. Social media has advantages and benefits, but it is also full of dangers.

It is alarming how many Christians post and "like" ungodly things on social media. Posts are filled with pictures of immodest dress, young people attending dances, drinking alcohol, and so on. Christians recommend TV programs and movies filled with bad language and sinful content. Some Christians have even shared religious posts that contained false doctrine.

Social media allows us to look into the hearts of our brethren, and what we see is sometimes disappointing. When confronted about such posts, some Christians try to turn the tables and blame their brethren for looking at their posts and judging their hearts. This tactic is unfortunate. The people of the world recognize that input on social media expresses one's reputation.

"More than half of employers (57 percent) that check job candidates' social media say they've seen content that has caused them to eliminate a person as a job contender... The top three turnoffs are provocative or inappropriate content (40 percent), posts about drinking or using drugs (36 percent), and discriminatory comments (31 percent)... And based on the survey, the scrutiny continues after you're hired: 48 percent of respondents say they monitor current employees' social media activity" (

Social media can be an effective tool for furthering the gospel in a digital age. However, it can also become a Christian's means of damaging his reputation and ruining his credibility for the cause of Christ. Take great care what you post and "like" online.