Great News About Submission
by David Dielstekamp

The only news about submission that the world would consider great is if it wasn't necessary. That news would be music to the ears of many in the religious world, too, removing the need for the textual gymnastics that are necessary for them to redefine gender roles and renumber who is first in the kingdom.

A sizeable number of Christians might also find some joy in discovering submission and its concepts of following, serving, and obeying had finally been declared unnecessary. No more having to put others first, no more cooperation, no more gender roles. Would that be good news?

The great news about submission is not that less is more, but that more is more. Submission is an opportunity to serve Christ, and we always want to do more of that. Submission is an opportunity to be like Christ, and nothing can be better than that for a true disciple!

Think of it this way; when submission brings you life circumstances that you don't want to go through, how is that different from Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane? (Matt. 26:39-44). Your submission makes you Christ-like! When submission doesn't allow you to do what you want to do or say what you want to say - Christ-likeness! (Jn. 6:38). When you are required to obey, and it's hard - Christ-likeness! (Heb. 5:8). When subjection requires that you remain silent - Christ-likeness! (Matt. 26:63; Is. 53:7). When people don't appreciate you, thank you, honor you for who you are and what you do but you continue to humbly do what is right - Christ-likeness! (Mk. 15:32; Phil. 2:5-9). When people misunderstand your submission to be weakness - Christ-likeness! (Matt. 27:42). When you bow to someone as your head - Christ-likeness (1 Cor. 11:3). When you defer your rights and revenge to forgive the undeserving - Christ-likeness! (Lk. 23:34).

Instead of whining and complaining about "having" to submit to each other, we should welcome it as an opportunity to be Christ-like. Sometimes we'll find ourselves submitting when others don't have to. We can rejoice and be glad that we are blessed with these opportunities to be Christ-like that others don't have!

We live in a prideful, arrogant, pushy, domineering, success-agenda fueled society. The idea of submission and serving others has been lost. Submission is alive and well in followers of Christ because Christ is in them and He is the picture of submission. More is more, and we welcome it! "...submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ" (Eph. 5:21).
