He Ran and Worshiped Him
by Joe R. Price

"When he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshiped Him" (Mark 5:6).

Quite a number of people believe every part of their daily life constitutes worship. This verse (it is not the only one) shows that is not so. Worship ("to pay homage to, to prostrate oneself in homage") is a particular action by the worshiper given to the object of worship. Please notice the man was not worshiping Jesus when he saw him from a distance. The man was not worshiping Jesus when he ran to Jesus. It is when he arrived that he "worshiped Him."

Christians are instructed to worship God "in spirit and truth" - such are true worshipers (John 4:23-24). Worship involves particular actions directed toward God (prayer, singing praises, the Lord's supper, giving, and preaching God's word - Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 14:15-16; 11:23-26; 16:1-2). Therefore, worship is more than just going to the lake or mountains and communing with nature. God has revealed the worship He accepts. It is our obligation to offer it to Him without our subtractions or additions. Let us live holy, devoted lives every day, and let us worship God as Scripture directs, with right hearts ("spirit") and God-approved actions ("truth").