He Who Practices Righteousness Is Righteous
by Heath Rogers

"Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous" (1 John 3:7). In his epistle, John called upon faithful Christians to take a stand against some who were claiming they could continue in sin and still be considered righteous before God. Such an error can be attractive to those who want to enjoy sin, so they were warned not to be deceived. Instead, they were to use Jesus as their standard. He did not sin, and neither could they.

This admonition is still needed today. Actions speak louder than words. We can make claims regarding our character, but the truth is shown in our conduct. None of us is prefect - but a willful, continued involvement in sin is "unrighteousness." We must not deceive ourselves. Good intentions and a sincere heart are not a substitute for practicing (doing, living) righteousness.