The Book of Esther
by Johnny Ramsey

There is no book in all the annals of history of literature that excels the narrative of Esther in the Old Testament. It has a thrilling tempo and a sparkling cadence that puts it in an incomparable realm of drama and pathos. The name of Jehovah is absent from its scintillating pages but His sublime presence pervades every scene. To the student of ancient history the saga of the Persian throne is pulsating. To the student of Scripture Esther holds a splendor unsurpassed. In a practical way we can glean from this book precious truths that enthrall us and challenge our deepest sense of loyalty as children of God.

The providence of Jehovah permeates the sacred text as we become acquainted with Ahasuerus the Persian ruler, Vashti the modest Queen, Mordecai the faithful Jew and Haman the wicked counselor. But the spotlight is upon a beautiful young woman who comes upon the scene for a strategic occasion to preserve Abraham's seed from extinction.

The sovereignty of God versus the immutable decree of Persian rule hovers in the background of every salient scene. The promise of the Messiah (Gen. 22:18) is threatened by the sinfulness of man in one of the Bible's most articulate passages.

In many ways the panorama of the sacred story is imbedded in this historical masterpiece. Our general failure to study, preach and write concerning Esther has robbed us of a closer walk with our Maker. If there is one major thrust in this section of the Bible it is the blazing message of Daniel 4:25 recorded in a classic setting: "Jehovah rules in the kingdoms of men."

Oh, how we need to learn that the destiny of the world is in His almighty grasp and not in the puny machinations of men! Beleaguered saints in John's day learned that Caesar had not pushed God off the throne of glory (Revelation 4:1) just as Babylon's ruler acknowledged the God of Israel as the One who holds sway in the lives of men (Daniel 3:29). For Christians today to live in doubt and fear - in view of the awesome power of our Father above - is but an open confession of our shallow concept of creative genius. Since "He ruleth by His power forever" (Psalms 66:7) wisdom demands that we recognize His absolute sovereignty.

- The Christian Answer, Nov. 1978