The Unity of the Local Church
by Heath Rogers

The Unity of the Spirit is based upon an understanding and agreement that there is only one BODY (the church), SPIRIT (the Holy Spirit), HOPE (the hope of Heaven), LORD (Jesus Christ), FAITH (body of doctrine), BAPTISM (immersion in water for the remission of our sins), and GOD (the true and living God). Without an agreement upon these seven items there can be no true unity among believers.

The Unity of the Spirit is maintained by brethren who are committed to treating one another with humility, gentleness and patience while bearing with one another in love (see Ephesians 4:1-6).

Are we committed maintaining the Unity of the Spirit here at Knollwood? Are we willing to set aside self and pursue the things which make for peace and edification? Great things are happening here at Knollwood. Satan will do his best to stop them. Let's make sure we are making a united stand against his efforts of destruction and continue to work and worship together as one.