by Heath Rogers

Recent polls have indicated most Americans believe there is nothing wrong with an occasional lie, provided it is for the right reason. Good reasons for a telling a lie include protecting someone from serious harm, protecting a loved one from bad news, "protecting someone's feelings," preserving a friendship and getting a day off from work. One recent poll showed that "four in 10 people said it was OK to sometimes exaggerate a story to make it more interesting, and about a third said it was OK to lie about your age." One mother said that it was easier to lie to her child than to take the time to explain the truth. What was the lie that she told her child? "There are no more cartoons on TV."

While lying is an acceptable practice to many people, even those who consider themselves to be Christians, the Bible plainly identifies lying as a sin.

"These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren" (Prov. 6:16-19, emphasis mine - HR).

Notice three things about this passage. First, God hates lying. It is an abomination to Him. Second, lying is mentioned alongside sins such as murder, devising wicked plans, running to evil, etc. Third, lying is the only sin in this passage that is mentioned twice. That ought to get our attention.

The Bible is also very clear concerning the consequences of lying.

1. Punishment and death. "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who speaks lies will not escape" (Prov. 19:5). "Getting treasures by a lying tongue is the fleeting fantasy of those who seek death" (Prov. 21:6).

2. Ruined reputation. "A false witness shall perish, but the man who hears him will speak endlessly" (Prov. 21:28). Notice - the man who lies will perish, but those who know him will continue to talk about him after he is gone. What do you want people saying about you after you are gone?

3. Exclusion from Heaven. "But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie" (Rev. 22:15). It isn't just the liars who are excluded from Heaven, but also those who love a lie.

4. Consignment to Hell. "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death" (Rev. 21:8). There is more for man to consider than his temporal life. Eternity awaits all of us. Liars will have their part in Hell. Notice, the Bible says "all liars." This includes every lie, including the "little white lies" that are so prevalent in our society.

A lost and dying world may think that lying is a necessary evil, and some religious organizations may even believe they have the right to overturn God's law about lying, but those who have their sights fixed on Heaven will walk in truth (3 John 4).