Lord, Liar, or Lunatic?
by Heath Rogers

In his book "Evidence That Demands A Verdict," Josh McDowell sets forth the three alternatives available to man in determining who Jesus really is: He is either the Lord, a Liar, or a Lunatic.

Jesus claimed to be God (John 8:58). He claimed to be equal with God (John 10:30). He claimed to be able to forgive sins (Mark 2:5). He claimed to be the only means of obtaining eternal life (John 14:6). What are we going to do with these claims?

If we believe them to be true, we must accept the fact that Jesus is who He said He was - He is God.

If we reject these claims as being untrue, we have two alternatives regarding Jesus: He either knew these claims were not true, and thus was a liar, or He did not know these claims were untrue, and was Himself deceived.

If He knew His claims were not true, He is worse than a liar - He is a hypocrite, for He taught men to tell the truth, while He lied about who He was. Worse than that - He was evil, for He taught men that He was the only source of eternal life, knowing that He was not, thus condemning "believers" to an eternal Hell. Worse than that - He was a fool, for He eventually died because of His claim to be God, and no one willingly dies for what they know to be a lie.

If He sincerely believed He was God, when in fact He was not - He is a lunatic. It is possible for men to be sincerely mistaken, but Jesus did not "fake" the miracles which backed up His claims. The miracles performed by Jesus were not illusions or "parlor tricks." Multitudes of people saw Jesus perform different kinds of miracles in which He displayed power over demons, disease, nature, and even death. Jesus was not crazy.

Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say that I am?" (Matt. 16:15). This is the question every one of us must answer. After reading the gospels, we are left with three options regarding the identity of Jesus. He was either a liar, a lunatic, or He is the Lord. The answer to this question will determine our eternal destiny (John 20:30-31). Who do you say that He is?