A Tribute To Bible Class Teachers
by Louise Sellers

Romans 13:7 contains a Pauline admonition that we should render "honor to whom honor" is due. The context shows the apostolic scribe has civil rulers in mind. When properly functioning in their God-ordained realm, they render a service and richly deserve honor and respect from their governmental subjects. An earlier exhortation found in the Roman epistle counsels us that "in honor" we should prefer "one another" (12:10). By inspiration Peter urges Christians to "honor all men" (1 Peter 2:17). These scriptures make it mandatory that we have a system whereby we honor others.

In this article we honor a group whose praises frequently are left unsung. They are our Bible School teachers. They are engaged in the noble and glorious work of teaching the Bible. They perform a great and far-reaching service. Yet, how many reading these lines have ever expressed one word of gratitude to those who teach the Bible classes of which we are a part? These self-sacrificing people do not teach for the compliments they receive, for of these there are but few. If this were the only motive, most would have dropped out of the teaching ranks a long time ago. However, every Bible teacher appreciates a word of gratitude or an expression of appreciation from time to time. Listed below are some excellent reasons why Bible teachers are richly deserving of honor.

So I for one want to say "Thanks to all the teachers of the Knollwood church"