Can You Keep A Secret?
by Heath Rogers

"A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter" (Prov. 11:13).

This passage warns of the damage that is caused by a talebearer or gossip, but it also indicates a characteristic of one who is faithful or trustworthy - he can be trusted to keep a secret.

There are times when we need to be able to confide in someone and trust they will keep the matter to themselves. Perhaps we need advice about a sensitive matter that needs to remain private. Perhaps we need to share information about a loved one that does not necessarily need to be broadcast far and wide. The list could go on and on.

The important thing is that a matter which is told in confidence remains a secret. One who is faithful or trustworthy will honor that wish and keep the matter private.

Now, let's turn the tables. What do you do when a friend confides in you? Do you honor your word to keep a matter private, or do you look for ways to share the "juicy" secret with others?

Betrayed confidence is hard to regain. Be a person of character. If you promise to keep a matter secret, honor your word and keep it a secret. We don't need talebearers - we need people who can be trusted.