A New Year Brings New Opportunities
by Heath Rogers

2013 is almost in the record books. Personally, I am tempted to say "good bye and good riddance" to the year and welcome a "better" one, but I must correct my attitude. This past year has been a gift from God. While it has brought some great challenges that many of us would just as soon have avoided, it has also brought some great blessings that filled our lives with joy and happiness. As Job said, "Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" (Job 2:10). If we did away with the challenges, we would also dismiss the blessings.

The New Year provides a great time for us to stop and take stock of our lives. Many people make plans or resolutions as they look for ways to improve their lives in the year ahead. Many of these plans or resolutions involve physical things, but the Christian understands that spiritual things are more important. Before we look ahead and talk about some good spiritual goals for the New Year, let's take a moment and look back over the past year.

You and I stood at this exact same place last year. We looked at the challenge and opportunity of a New Year with optimism and hope. How have we done? What kind of spiritual growth or progress have you and I made over this past twelve months? This time has been an opportunity for us to grow in our service to God. What use have we made of it? Do we understand His Word better than we did a year ago? Has our attendance improved? Have we led anyone to Christ in the past 365 days? Have we become a better husband/wife/parent? Have we developed better relationships with our brethren? Have we spent more time in prayer to God? Are we a stronger Christian today than we were a year ago? Let's be honest in our assessment of ourselves.

Maybe you need to make Attendance a priority this year. Overall, our attendance has been very good, but I am talking to you as an individual. Do you make it a priority to be present for every service and Bible Class you can attend (Heb. 10:25)? What kind of things do you use as an excuse not to assemble with the saints?

Maybe you need to make Bible Study and Prayer a priority this year. How many of the 8,670 hours last year do you think you spent reading and studying the Bible? Compare that number to the amount of time you think you spent pursuing a hobby, watching TV, playing games, etc. Make some Bible Reading or Bible Study goals this year. Determine that you are going to do more than simply read and prepare yourself for Bible Class (you do this, don't you?). Select a book of the Bible you want to study on your own - and do it!

Maybe you need to make Others a priority this year: visiting the sick and the shut-ins, inviting people to come to worship services and Bible Class, encouraging the elders, deacons, those who lead the services, and those who teach the Bible Classes, welcoming the visitors, etc. Can you make improvements in this area?

The old saying goes "If we always do what we've always done, we will always get what we always got." You and I know we will be standing here at this same place again next year. Will we be lamenting our lack of spiritual growth or will we know that we have made good use of the time God has given us? The New Year gives us new opportunities. Let's take advantage of these opportunities and resolve to put forth the effort necessary to grow spiritually.