Great Examples To Follow
by Heath Rogers

Worship like Abel - Heb. 11:4
Walk like Enoch - Heb. 11:5
Obey like Noah - Heb. 11:6
Trust like Abraham - Rom. 4:20-21
Be Humble like Moses - Num. 12:3
Have Courage like David - 1 Sam. 17:37
Lead like Ezra - Ezra 7:10
Work like Nehemiah - Neh. 2:17
Weep like Jeremiah - Jer. 9:1
Pray like Daniel - Dan. 6:10
Finish like Paul - 2 Tim. 4:7
Submit like Sarah - 1 Peter 3:1-7
Pray like Hannah - 1 Sam. 1:9-15
Have Loyalty like Ruth - Ruth 1:16-17
Have Courage like Esther - Esther 4:16
Worship like Anna - Luke 2:36-37
Choose the Good Part like Mary - Luke 10:42
Help like Dorcas - Acts 9:39
Obey like Lydia - Acts 16:14-15
Teach like Priscilla - Acts 18:26
Serve like Phoebe - Rom. 16:1
Impart Faith like Lois and Eunice - 2 Tim. 1:5
Live like Christ - Matt. 11:29

"Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern" (Phil. 3:17).