Before You Hit Send...
by Matthew Allen

Never forget you occupy your own small stage that others see on a regular basis.

Now, more than ever, the world is watching your life. While personal influence has always been of extreme importance, the rise of social media should make every person aware of the perception others have. Instantly, people are able to view off the cuff comments, photographs, videos, and all sorts of things which reveal who you really are. What kind of impression are people forming because of the things you post online?

This matter is of vital importance. And, if you are like me, you've probably had to learn some things the hard way. Here are a few important points I've learned and am still perfecting. Take these with you as you participate in the social media world this week.

Be slow to speak (James 1:19a).  Is it always a good thing to vent your emotions in a public forum? Gaining the ability to be slow to speak or react in certain situations takes practice. Sometimes we will not get it right. But over time, we can find success. Solomon wrote, "when there are many words, transgress is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise" (Prov. 10:19; see also Prov. 17:27-28).

Be slow to anger (James 1:19b). Sometimes what you post can be misunderstood. Others will even assume the worst in regards to what you write. In these moments, your first emotion might be to respond in anger. Don't do it! It never turns out good. It is best to wait a few hours (or a day or two) and revisit the issue later. You will be amazed at how your perspective changes.

Refrain from the urge to complain. In the past, I've deleted individuals whose online content is mainly negative or critical of others. People don't want to hear your complaints. Instead, be an encourager. "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear" (Eph. 4.29).

Give careful thought to the photographs and videos you post. I am amazed at some of the media Christians place on their profile. Much of it belittles their influence and would give a critic room to charge hypocrisy. What do the pictures and videos you've posted say about you? Are you reflecting Christ?

What you post leaves your control. When you press send, you cede power over what you have posted to a third party, who cares nothing about who you are. What you post online is hard, if not impossible to get rid of.  While you may come back later and delete something you regret, the information is still out there. It is archived on a server somewhere. And you never know where or how that material will turn up again.

The world is watching. While it may not be fair, quick impressions can be lasting ones. What you say and do reveals what is on the inside. 

How are you performing on the stage of life? What do others see? What lasting impressions are being made? Make it your desire to represent our Lord in everything you do. You'll be glad you did.

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Col. 3.17).
