The Desire to Be First
by Derek Chambers

"But many who are first will be last, and the last first" (Matt. 19:30).

Everyone wants to be in first place. This is the place that wins the blue ribbon, the gold medal, the big trophy. Although contests are quite obviously all about first place, we find a sense of competition for first place in settings all around us. People wrestle to be first in their standing in families, in social groups, and in the work place. People strive to be first in terms of wealth and possessions. People struggle to be first in status and reputation. We are simply in love with being first; first in name, first to be asked, first in line, first to get the latest product, first to see the new movie, first to experience a new trend, etc.

Although seeking to be first isn't always a bad thing, it is a bad thing if it is all a part of a "me first" sort of attitude. And it's an especially bad thing if it is our attitude among our brethren. This was clearly the attitude among many of the proud religious leaders Jesus encountered. Jesus profoundly challenged their world view when he told them that in their efforts to always be first, they were in fact insuring that they would come in last where it really counts - the kingdom of Christ.