Are Gospel Meetings Out-dated?
By Joe R. Price

Are gospel meetings advantageous in today's world? Some brethren say gospel meetings are not useful in today's world. The basic reason for a gospel meeting is to arrange meetings where the gospel can be heard. Is it no longer beneficial to make such arrangements? Is it no longer helpful to attend such meetings and invite others to come? The lost can hear the saving gospel and Christians can be edified in the truth (2 Tim. 4:1-5; Eph. 4:11-16; 2 Tim. 2:15). Still, some Christians complain against having gospel meetings. As you consider these typical criticisms of gospel meetings see if you detect the common thread running through each one.

1. Gospel meetings are outdated and ineffective in the modern world. This attitude leaves the impression that the gospel must be dressed up in some new way if it is to have any impact upon the lives of sinners today. This simply is not true. God's word is powerful and persuasive and able to convert the lost and strengthen the saved - today (Rom. 1:16; Heb. 4:12; Psa. 19:7-11). Some suggest the only way to reach souls for Christ today is to first develop personal friendships (so-called "friendship evangelism"); gospel preaching is not enough. Certainly friends need the gospel, and a friend is more likely to talk with you about the gospel than is a complete stranger. Still, it was not friendship that persuaded about 3,000 souls on the day of Pentecost to believe and be saved. It was the power of the word of God (Acts 2:40-41). The gospel, when preached, continues to save those who believe and obey it (1 Cor. 1:21).

2. A week is too long and too tiring. This is usually said by the Christian who has already decided he will not come to every worship service. Yes, to participate in any week-long activity requires a certain amount of dedication and energy. That usually means we will get tired. But, is this the best attitude we can develop when it comes to gospel preaching? Can you imagine Cornelius saying to Peter, "Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God" - just make it quick (Acts 10:33)? If this had been Jesus' attitude toward His work of redeeming sinners would He have endured the cross or said, "That's too demanding!"?

3. Only brethren come to gospel meetings. This is not true. The lost are saved as a result of gospel meetings. I have seen it and perhaps you have, too. Maybe this criticism hides a more troubling picture: perhaps the lost do not come because we do not invite them and bring them to hear the gospel (cf. Jno. 1:46). But, what if only Christians come? That does not nullify the good that is done when saints assemble (Heb. 10:24-25).

4. Meetings are just another way for preachers to make money. This sort of motive judging is sad but true of some Christians. The gospel preacher should not be made to feel ashamed for receiving financial support for preaching the gospel, but it happens. Jesus said, "The laborer is worthy of his wages" (Lk. 10:7), and the apostle Paul said, "Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel" (1 Cor. 9:14). Could it be that some brethren do not wish to support gospel preaching by their presence as well as not supporting it with their giving, even though God has commanded both (1 Cor. 16:2; Heb. 10:25)?

Did you discover the thread running through these objections to gospel meetings? These complaints show a lack of faith in the power of the word of God to save the lost and convert souls into the image of Christ. They reflect attitudes of selfishness and excuse-making, not faith in the power of Christ and His gospel. Gospel meetings are not the only scriptural arrangement we can use to teach the lost and encourage the saved. We understand that. But, we ought to realize that no scriptural arrangement of spreading the gospel will succeed unless and until we diligently commit ourselves to it, including gospel meetings. 

We should examine our commitment to gospel preaching as our gospel meeting approaches. Let us use our opportunity to hear the gospel and to help others hear it, too. Invite your friends, family and strangers. Invite your brethren in Christ. Plan to be present, to grow in faithfulness and in service. Trust the power God's word has on the lives of good and honest hearts (Lk. 8:15). God's word will accomplish His purposes (Isa. 55:11). Good can and will be done through gospel meetings.

- The Spirit's Sword, 3/5/06